Today I got this message from James Devine... sent out to a large group of friends:
Hello all,
I recently came across an interesting article on Rebel Press involving the role that major NGOs play in perpetuating such disqualifying structures as: a meritocracy based on personal monetary investment in said NGO, capitalism and the dehumanization that is imposed on society by this system and how major NGOs operate under auspices similar to multinational corporations.
As some of you know, a portion of my activism has been dedicated to Amnesty International for several years now and although I am not 'reconsidering it' I do continue to question what I see as the increasingly hierarchical structure of my organization and the intense branding campaigns that are promoted by Amnesty. Although we do 'good work' I question whether it is actually effective humanitarian work when it comes to affecting change in the communities that Amnesty activists operate in.
This is an invitation. It would be excellent to hear your opinion on this matter because I do value what you wish to say. If you would rather talk to me about this in person, no problem. If you would rather delete this message and avoid eye-contact, that also is fine. There is no obligation or censorship here.
This is the article mentioned:
Ps: I do agree with some of the points the author makes, but by no means all of them.
I wrote back:
This is the topic of the day... and our lives, as we are talking about this in our organization here in Uganda, creating schools and orphanages.
One director we are working with is under fire as he asks the world for funding, but he doesn't live with the kids-- he lives in the capital city. He could be asking for knowledge to teach the kids how to better live off the land and create paradise there. They don't have power in the village at this time, yet he seeks computers to teach skills. He is very likable, and doing what he honestly feels is best, but there are many people who want to help the kids, who don't want to pay for him to live in the city.
I am in Kampala, the capital, currently at the university computer lab. I don't enjoy the city vibe and would much rather be in the village... in the mountains, swimming in the river, eating from the land. I am here online, talking to you all, as the director I am speaking of often is in this very place, as communicating our messages and lessons learned to the world is very important. Gerald, Liane and I will crash at this directors house tonight before heading out at 5am on bus to an orphanage Gerald operates in western Uganda. The fact that this director lives in Kampala is now saving us all money. There's two sides to everything. It's just not one way. We all have roles to play.
When I started reading the article linked above, I had to stop as a guy named Sam started talking to me. He is starting a marketing company, and said he has offers to work for other people, but he rather do his own thing, even if he makes less money. He said his father never made any money until he worked for himself, from age 40 until he died at 45.
Sam had a lot to say about how money has corrupted people from the top of government to the churches, and how people with money can do anything, "but if you don't have it you can't have sugar or shoes. You could have two wives here if you can afford it, but it doesn't work that way with white girls."
I told him that I am planning a gathering of activists at the Mbale Resort Hotel(who may sponsor it), and land owned by the hotel, where we will create a demonstration farm to share ideas on how we can work together--- so communities are not dependant on the money system.
Sam said there is a radio station here called WII-FM ... which stands for What's In It For Me? He said that we will come to the gathering if they understand what is in it for them. True enough.
A couple days ago, I was on the land where the hotel wants to create the demonstration farm, which is already being used by local farmers, who are digging where they wish, as the hotel doesn't care if they use the land at this time. The land is heavenly to me, loaded with massive boulders and next to towering cliffs, with a 300ft waterfall. See:
I had spent the evening watching a dozen monkeys climb the cliff in the last rays of a golden sunset, then hiked in moonlight looking at monster slugs that looked like Jabba the Hutt, and camped in a large cave under boulders with chatty groundhogs. In the morning I hiked the mountain and spent the day repelling down. When I reached the ground, and dozen kids came running to congratulate me saying, "Well done!" We walked to the waterfall where I pumped some life-giving source into my bottle, and then down to the farmers who were filling large bags with fresh picked greens. I asked a farmer if I could take a photo of him working. "I want money" he answered. I told him I was going to use the photo to bring people there who would help him grow crops more effectively, and that would bring him more money. He was happy with that answer and allowed me to take photos. He wanted to know what was in it for him. What is in it for me? I want to spend winters in this beautiful place, playing on rocks and learning to grow crops. And the kids... the kids are so much fun!
So back to the situation with the director of this one non-profit. I wrote a report talking about everything that has gone down here, and people around the world who have been supporting the project are not happy and are voicing their thoughts in a thread like this one on facebook. This is all part of what should be happening. This is not the end of the project, as it still has kids to serve and people in place. I'm still going to keep working toward the dream and others will as well.
The "director" has an important role to play, as does everyone in the circle. Being an egalitarian, I don't like the term director. I prefer to call myself "community organizer" of the action hero network, even though I could be called the director of projects, but really, the action hero network has no membership, or any paid staff. I make money by selling hammocks I sew and use funds from these to fund projects.
The problem is in transparency or the lack there of... and accountability to everyone else... as equals. I am coming into this project with a different view, so even being part of their meeting and seeing how that was run, with Chairman, director and headmaster(all male) speaking first for a couple hours, and I don't remember hearing from the two ladies present at all.... this was frustrating.
I said I wouldn't be giving more money to the school through the director. The Chairman and headmaster said they will set up an account that would only be accessed by a few co-signers. I had planned to fund the school by having them make hammocks, which I would sell online and at festivals, and they could sell in local markets. I had given them sewing machines, taught hammock making and sent $600 to buy fabric as seed money. There was little effort to make hammocks or a business as far as I could see.
I will guide volunteers to this beautiful location on the slopes of Mount Elgon, and take them on adventure tours for which I will be paid, so I can sustain this lifestyle of organizing service projects. This is my challenge, as I want to bring everyone here, but it takes a lot of time and energy to organize and commit to being here when others want to come. So, I am going to make a living doing this here in Uganda, and Mexico-- calling it Endless Summer Camp-- providing opportunities for rural people and international travelers to experience cultural exchanges. That's how I am going to be an activist and participate in the monetary system... along with selling hammocks that I sew myself.
When someone gives me money that is a straight up donation, I will take photos showing where all that money went. A couple people are doing that now, and it is going into my personal bank account, and I am spending that money on their behalf-- and giving them proof. The problem is that I can't do that for long or with large amounts, or income tax agents may start breathing down my neck. I have an umbrella organization that provides tax status for US donations, but I have not been using that much lately, foolishly.
What makes things happen? People and ideas. With skilled people and vision, we will make gardens out of mountains and have energy to play on them. There is the issue of flights overseas and motorbike taxis... as we do need funds for these. So we need both-- the heart for people and hands on the land.... and the brains to figure out the economics and politics that we have to deal with, cuz we can't stay in our little dream bubble of living in the world we want all the time, if we want to travel the planet as it is.
On the bus here from Mbale, I read most of Ben Carson's book THINK BIG. Ben, the back cover says, is "a man who has transformed himself from a ghetto kid into the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon in the world." The entire book is about the people and ideas that have helped him become the man he is.
Ben quotes Clearence Day, "The world of books is the most remarkable creation of man:nothing else that he builds ever lasts. Monuments fall; nations parish; civilizations grow old and die out. After an era of darkness, new races build others; but in the world of books are volumes that live on still as young and fresh as the day they were written, still telling men's hearts of the hearts of men centuries dead."
And Henry Brooke Adams, "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."
The other book I borrowed from Lawrence's bookshelf is THINK & GROW RICH... as I am seeking to heal my relationship with money. I say "heal" as there is an element of hate... it is a feeling of disdain that I hold as I walk crowded, polluted streets, where it seems everyone is so busy going where they need to go... just taking care of busy-ness-- every man and woman for themselves. It seems we are slaves, but we do it to ourselves. That's just one view. On the other side of all the chaos, it is amazing this ant hill called Kampala works as well as it does, lacking infrastructure of highways and space for vendors or crafts people. As John Lennon says... "It's all there.... if you look deep enough." (see the video on this page: ). Most of all, I want to be free.
Another book I found on Lawrence's shelf is called GET MOTIVATED IN 30 Seconds OR LESS, by Ethan Musolini. I struck gold coming upon those pages! An entire morning was spent sifting and placing nuggets into my journal. Little gems like... "Simplicity is freedom" ...can change a persons view and make them feel rich without a cent.
Check these:
"Give birth to what is kicking in you. Unless you let it out, you'll kick yourself for letting it die "unbirthed".
"Knowing yourself gives you an aura of relaxation and confidence. Spend time discovering the inner you. And the true you will spring forth like a shining star."
"Give what you have and the universe will give what you want tenfold. Giving is living."
I emailed Ethan and got a reply back from his secretary asking when I could be scheduled to meet with him. I'll ask him to meet with us at the Mbale Resort Hotel for the gathering of community builders.
On the bus here, I heard the lady sitting next to me on the phone planning a conference. Freda Amuron is a senior community development officer for the Nakapiripirit local government, and her mother is head secretary of Makerere University, where I sit now. People held BBQ chicken wings on sticks up to the bus window. She bought one and asked if I wanted one.
"How much are they?" I asked.
"$2500 shillings" she answered.
"That's ok..." I returned.
"I'll buy it for you..." she replied, and did. That is proof to me, she is what her card says.
I have met others randomly like this here, such as Weyusya Joseph, a senior community development officer for the Manafwa district local government, who was buying food at shop where I was standing and introduced himself. He helps young mothers develop crafting skills.
Evonne and her son Simon are here from the UK, creating a vocational school on land they bought near Mable. I met Evonne as she was using the net at the Mbale resort Hotel, and a couple nights ago I had dinner at their house and got a shower after coming down off the mountain.
Mukhobeh Moses has been trying to hook-up with me for two years... even today he was asking to meet as he is in Kampala now. Moses is Executive Director of Randa United Farmers Group in Bududa, the next closest mid-size town to Bunabumali.
Today at lunch, walking back from making a chapati burrito in the market, I saw a logo on a truck that read Coalition Advocacy for Rural Development, and stopped to talk with Medard Kamujuni. I mentioned composting toilets and rocket stoves and he is eyes lit up. "A rocket stove we made is here in the back of the truck," he said pulling of a tarp to show me. I told him about creating a gathering of people like us and he said he'd be there.
The first words in my journal today were: "It's all about people coming together. Organization is everything. We may not have it all together as individuals, but together we have it all."
James, keep the faith, and keep riding in critical mass. What you do makes a difference. The smallest act is better than the greatest intentions. You sending this email today is inspiring. Thank you... for being, and doing!
Liane Lippart just arrived here in the computer lab and proof read the essay this email has become. She is a Canadian living in New Hampshire, and was volunteering at a Good Shepard Primary school in Lukaya, Uganda. Liane will be going with us tomorrow to Tugume Gerald's God Cares Orphanage in Western Uganda. We'll stay there a few days to play with the kids and record what that's all about, and then come back to send Casey Yerxa off on the plane with hammocks made by Grace Ayaa and ladies at Life In Africa. The next day we pick up Stefan Guy from Alberta, Canada at the airport, and we all go to Bunabumali for another month. None of us have a lot of money, but we are learning a lot and doing what we can.
Ethan Musolini has it right when he says, "Collective intelligence and wisdom is unstoppable. It's power!"
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Masaba's report from Mbale, Uganda
After returning home from Uganda in 2008, I did a presentation at a Rotary club where I was asked by one man, "Do you think the Africa problem will ever be solved?"
Often I think of this question as it may encapsulate one perspective-- that there are so many problems in Africa, is it worth trying?
Contemplating the many challenges of creating not just a sustainable life for ourselves and others... but a really great life full of opportunity and freedom, it is good to remember that doing something is always better than doing nothing. If we can make a difference in the life of one child, then we have changed the world for that one person. And loving kids is a great way to make loving adults.
Casey, Miracle and I had a meeting last week at Bunabumali Good Samaritan school with Norman Nakhokhoe, James Nakhokhoe(Norman's dad), Julius(school headmaster), Esther(Norman's sister), and Sarah(a teacher). The school has 5 female and 4 male teachers working on voluntary basis working with children from nursery to P3(approx 8 years old)-- around 70 students.
The 2010 proposal is to expand to P6, and they have already cleared a space for new classrooms. The headmaster's report states many things are needed: 100 iron sheets for roofing, desks, black boards, text books, wall charts, teacher's quarters, and incentives for teachers. I took notes from the meeting and have Julius's full report in front of me now.
They have done well to expand from the building they were in when I was here in 2008, which is now the family home and school kitchen, since the former house crumbled to the ground. They have three new classrooms and a building for staff and a nurse.
Uganda's population is 33 million, about the same as Canada, living on land the size of the province of New Brunswick. Most schools in Uganda are funded by student fees, The Bunabumali Good Samaritan school is free.
Early last week, Gertrude, James's wife and the mother of all, become seriously mentally ill and has been singing at the top of her lungs every night. Due to this, the dozen children who normally sleep at the school have been staying with community members. Gertrude came into a classroom while Casey and I were working with kids writing pen pal letters and stood silently in the back holding her favorite spoon. The kids started flooding out and it became chaos, even though she was not violent in any way. She is usually very sweet and sharp, but something snaps when she is stressed, putting her over the edge, and she doesn't come back for sometime. It is unknown how long this episode will last.
Before I departed Saturday morning, the family had just knocked her out with an injection of Valium, so she could rest. Norman went to a clinic to get a dose and I had a couple vials in my kit to give. They can't afford more-- each $6000 Shillings(3USD). She is calm most of the day, it is at night when she can really wail. I would have given her the shot at night, so everyone could sleep.
Another big issue is that the children have not been using the hammocks to sleep in because they are too cold off the ground. Blankets are needed, but I was not made aware of this problem until I asked James if the fabric I had Norman purchase ever became hammocks. I saw that the fabric became pillow cushions and shirts that the girls made to sell(which are still in a bag). I am glad the sewing machines are getting used for making school uniforms and other things, but I need to know what is happening in reality, and I wasn't getting any information as to how things were panning out.
I asked for photos of the hammocks that were sewn, but never got any images after many requests. Norman says he created 8 hammocks himself, which he shipped to Kenya. From the several rolls of fabric that Norman brought to Bunabumali from money sent, I found one hammock that was created. The most disturbing part was that when we were in Kampala shopping for fabric, a store owner grabbed a hold of Norman and kept him in the back of a shop, saying he owed a balance of $470,000 shillings for the fabric he took. Norman claimed to have put the money in their bank account, but wasn't returning their calls. I agreed to pay the entire balance that day so the police wouldn't be called. The shop owner followed us around to three different banks until I was finally able to get the full amount from an automatic teller machine. Norman said he will go to the bank here in Mbale where he sent the money from to figure it out. I really hope it is as he says. I will not continue organizing to have hammocks sewn here for export after I leave.
I bought four rolls of fabric in Kampala for $800,000 Shillings($400USD), which will make 26 hammocks single hammocks to be given out freely, and 26 to be sold online to raise the money needed for school improvements. I have found an easy and secure method to tie ends of hammocks so that single width hammocks do not require any sewing at all. I have already sewn a double wide hammock since arriving and it is much better for sleeping in as one can lay flat on a diagonal. If legs are up it will impede blood flow making for uncomfortable rest. We are selling single hammocks for $60, which has ends sewn and a pocket that it all folds into, and double wide for $100. These will be brought back to Canada with me in January. See
I just found myself in money transfer hell.... as Paypal is not allowing me to move funds to my bank account while I am in Uganda. Surely it can get figured out, but at the moment it seems the best way to send money for hammocks, blankets, or anything else you'd like to give the kids is via an email money transfer. That way I get the full amount also, as paypal always takes a cut. Send to this address:
Patty Donovan and my mother may also hold a fundraising event to sell the remaining clothes from Sam's Vintage collection that Danny the Traveling Piano Man drove up from Philadelphia. These are designer, plus size clothes-- some with tags still on. A lot of them are silk and famous brand names. If you want to get involved in that, it would be a big help as we want to get the funds while I am still here to put them to good use. Call or email Diana Richardson at: 506-635-4122 or email:
Another disappointment was finding the solar powered UV light water purifiers Ben got donated not accessible to the children, or even being used at all other than to recharge cell phones and LED lights. We were told that the filter bags needed to be cleaned. I cleaned the bags, but still no effort was made to use them to provide drinking water. I have a hand-held water filter and Casey left me with a small UV purifier which will do a liter at a time, so I am using those for drinking water.
The tap that brings clean water down from the mountains to their community doesn`t turn off, but constantly water falls to the ground on their plantation without any form of catchment. I suggested a hose to a large barrel that would at least enable people to quickly fill buckets, instead of waiting at the tap as water trickles. I noticed dishes piling up and was told water has stopped coming. Water still didn`t start by the time I left two days later. Rainwater catchment off the tin roof seems like a good option, so we need to buy tin to make gutters and build some kind of holding tank--- it could even be a heavy duty plastic tarp lining a pit in the ground to start with-- then maybe concrete or hard plastic. We have the river to wash bodies and clothing, but it is a bit of a walk down into the valley from the house to carry water back.
My first attempt at cooking pancakes for breakfast ended quickly. The kitchen was dark without any windows and very smokey. I pulled the nails from the tin sheet roof over the fire pit and propped it open with a stick-- letting light in and smoke out. Mother was happy. Problem solved. Why did it take me to do this?! We`ll make a rocket stove next, which uses less wood and burns hotter, and put a chimney on it. A hay box slow cooker may also be useful toward reducing the amount of firewood needed.
The pit latrine is a few feet uphill from the house-- much too close-- placed there before the addition of the kitchen, which it is above. I`ll pick up a five gallon bucket and toilet seat to make a humanure composting toilet. They can fertilize fruit trees with the composted humus that is created a year from now. I have not seen anyone with toilet paper, and I have not asked what they use. A roll snatched from the hotel has lasted me as it seems I don`t need to go to the latrine as regular as I would at home.
The cow shed also needs to be moved down into the plantation where the manure can be used to fertilize. Currently, the cow is above the school, because James is afraid of thieves. The poo pool can over-flow with heavy rains down to where new classrooms are being built. Now that they have two cows and a calf, more space is needed. Adam Mackim`s global issues class donated $400CDN or $560,000 Shillings of the $700,000 cost to buy the second cow, which is pregnant, so that will make four animals total in three months time. We`ll have to build a fenced area, but there is not money for barbed wire.
All the issues I have said above are basic necessities that need to be addressed in this school of life to create a healthy environment before we can move on to other things. If we are to teach these little people how to live... it is not going to take place in the classroom.
In a classroom, I asked a couple dozen students who of them was cold the night before and needed blankets. I was shocked to realize the headmaster could not communicate with students in their own language. Julius is not from the area and doesn`t speak Lugisu. Robert, the student who understands English best needed to translate. Julius is interested in agriculture projects, so I suggested he focus on that to help the school have food and get the kids involved in the whole process.
Ladies sitting at the table next to me here at the Mbale Hotel say it is against national policy to teach small children in a language other than mother tongue, however the school has no books or teaching materials at all in Lugisu. It would be a good project for each student to write their own story and create a book collectively, written in Lugisu. I bought a Scrabble board game from a street vendor in Kampala to play with kids, but I am not here to teach English, and be another colonizer.
Hitting as a form of discipline also not acceptable. James hit David with a stick, saying he could have got hurt running after a car. Does that make any sense? Casey freaked out and let him know hitting is not OK, then comforted David, who ran and hid as he felt shamed. I saw Julius chasing kids into class with a stick too. I have not seen any serious abuse, but violence in any form does not create a safe environment.
The most used items I contributed this visit are the soccer balls(with air pump that can also be used for bike tires) and djembe(hand drum). The kids are welcome to play the drum whenever they wish. They are very good keeping a beat and usually the scene becomes a dance party. Soccer is a very popular activity. I am not good at it, nor do I have much interest in watching, but I do enjoy the fact that many youth can get so much fun out of a sport that simply requires one ball-- nothing else.
I also donated a hair clipper kit and 12 volt power converter, so I have a funky solar powered hair cut to look forward to this week.
Wes Jagoe donated a fish tank air compressor for brewing compost tea, and we`ll use that for growing a plants from seed with the kids-- growing some with the tea and some without to test it.
I have spent the majority of the weekend here at Mbale Resort Hotel uploading photos to facebook, which in fact speak volumes as to what the experience is really like here:
I`ve enjoyed working with my hands make the steps up to the school, so we don`t slip on the mud when it rains--- which it does nearly every day. The swimming hole below the school is very beautiful, and James owns the land down to the river where there is a tall stand of eucalyptus trees and we will make swings and a tree house. James suggested a lodge could be constructed there to host future guests.
We need to organized the tools and create a workshop. We need to organize toys and create a playroom. I found a bunch of random small toys in a box tucked away and brought them out for the kids to play. It was so interesting to watch how they used them. Why where these not out for the kids to use? Play is so under-rated.
A couple dozen forks, spoons and sharp knives were brought from home that are now being put to good use. Some of those knives will get spread out into the community as well. More plates and cups are needed to serve the kids at lunch.
James and I walked to the village market day on Thursday and picked up three large thick blankets for $44,000 shillings($30CDN), that will be cut to make blankets of a half dozen for kids. I am nearly out of money, so that`s all I could buy. When I get Paypal money from the hammock sales transferred into my account it will be used to get more blankets first. Sleep is also under-valued. Hammocks for everyone... which now must include blankets!
A couple months before coming here, Casey met a Miracle Hassan online, who is a video editor at the national television station in Kampala. Miracle came with us to Bunabumali and has been very helpful as a camera man. We may work together to edit the video we've captured if there is time near the end of this journey here.
Miracle did archival research on a new documentary about Mobutu Sese Seko, the former dictator of Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He loaded the film to this laptop, and I watched the whole thing, even though many interviews where in French. What a nut case! He got to power by lying and killing and stayed in power for 31 years. Students protested his power, so he such down the entire university and put everyone in the school in the military.
Casey brought a baseball glove and ball, plus Boston Red Sox hat and t-shirt for a child named David-- a gift from her brother Jack who saw David in a photo. Casey asked Norman if she should give the glove and ball to David, or to the school, so more kids could play with it. I argued that if one person owns something it may get used more and better taken care of since it would not be up to school staff to deem when is a good time to use it, and who should get to use it. The glove and ball also had the intention of being a special gift from one person to another, which is meaningful. I often have this debate within myself about giving items to one child, or to the school as a whole. Norman then commented, "We are all equal, but some are more equal than others." I found that very interesting, since Animal Farm, which is where that idea is from, is the only book I brought on this trip.
Norman says Animal Farm is a popular book here in Uganda, often referred to by politicians. James was please to see I had it with me, and may read it again. It is a short read and I finished it in the middle of the night this past week while mother was singing. The animals decided to rule their own destiny on the farm and exiled the humans. Pigs, being the smartest, become the ruling class, and raised the dogs to be their protectors. Slowly but surely, the pigs become harsh dictators stealing all the resources and enslaving the others.
One afternoon this week, while James, Norman and Julius worked on report cards, we had a conversation about political leadership in Africa. They said Museveni, who has been president of Uganda since 1986, had legislation passed recently that would make him president of Uganda for the rest of his life. He came to power by force and will hold on to power by force. Norman said you'll never hear people in the military complain, as they are very well fed. The military is not as much to protect from outside forces as it is to keep their own people in line. Gaddafi in Libya is another life-time leader, however they suggested that life is good in Libia, rich with oil, but if you are not from Libia, there is no way you can get residence status. Gaddafi has been spreading the wealth by buying companies in Uganda and else where. On the bus ride here from Kampala, every third house is painted bright pink with the Zain logo, a mobile phone company named after Gaddafi's daughter.
Being an egalitarian, I have little use for politics and report cards. What do numbers and letters placed on me really say anyway? The report cards I was given in school never accounted for what I learned looking at spiderwebs in the forest. They only said what some people projected on me, much like when someone looks at my passport at a border. Do these numbers and letters say anything that is true? I am Canadian? What does that mean? Is it a privilege to travel freely? Doesn't everyone deserve that right?
I've heard a couple news reports about US military drone planes that pack lethal force in the middle east, controlled by pilots sitting at home in Arizona. The lines that divides us are so blurry now, maybe they never really existed at all. We are just a bunch of animals on the farm we call Earth.
One of those news reports came from CNN on the TV in Lawrence's bedroom last night. He has invited me to stay here in his apartment at a gated community a kilometer away from the Mbale Resort hotel, where he is the general manager. On one side of the gate is a swastika, and the other side is what looks like the Chinese Communist a red star. Lawrence has no idea why they are there. He left for work early this morning and I am sitting alone on his black leather couch, looking at sun casting shadows of the fancy iron bars on to the tile floor. I am thinking about heading to Wanale, the large mountain fortified by 200ft tall cliffs of solid rock where I want to bolt climbing routes today before returning to the village with Norman after he sorts out the banking.
Lawrence has taken me under his wing at the hotel, allowing me to use the net and even eat without charge. It is his way of supporting my work. The owner of the hotel asked for a proposal that would support the Orphanage in Bunabumali and create a demonstration garden on top of Mount Wanale that would educate locate people to produce high quality organic food for hotel. All that was his idea. I just happened to be in the patio restaurant where he was seated with his family.
Casey and Miracle had a room at the hotel, and I met Lawrence randomly by pitching hammocks to the resort construction foreman who was seated at the same table during breakfast. I left them with my card, and Lawrence cam back later to sit with me for the full scoop. I showed photos of the hammocks and kids in Bunabumali, and he said he was interested in selling hammocks at the hotel.
We toured the massive new addition to the resort, and met James, the owner, and his family. They were keen to know I see potential for adventure tourism in the area-- rock climbing and mountain biking. Mrs. Wokadala said I was a blessing. I invited Lawrence to go climbing with me on Wanale that afternoon. He arranged a car and driver, and brought along the fitness spa director and a local guide.
As we started driving up the mountain, Lawrence pointed out a 800ft waterfall, under which James owns a large amount of land and plans to develop a camp ground. It was astoundingly beautiful-- reminiscent of the cascading lush green walls of Kauai. I shot some video, and then we continued 30 minutes to the radio towers near the top, over-looking as far as the eye could see.
We walked through a friendly rural community where people proudly posed for photos in front of houses made of sticks and mud. Children washed clothes in the river that moments later became the waterfall hurling over the cliff. Davis, the fitness manager, showed me a bunch of sticks, saying it was a place where men get circumcised at 19 years of age in front of the community. If they flinch they are unable to marry into a powerful family.
Only foot paths connect houses and people are seen everywhere sitting on the grass relaxing. We found our way into a cave with a large overhanging opening where a couple circles of men played cards on large stones for chairs and tables. The path rejoined with the road where our driver waited.
As we coasted down, I saw a young girl rolling a large bike tire, and I asked that we pull over. The girl gave me the tire then ran away. It work great as a hula hoop. Within a minute a couple dozen women and children gathered to watch the crazy Muzungu(white person) dance to music provided by the car radio.
At the bottom of the mountain we walked to the base of the waterfall in the last rays of golden sunlight, lead by several boys. I was in heaven looking up at the cliffs and thinking about the climbing possibilities.
This past Saturday, I returned there with only two hours of sunlight left. I set off on a boda-boda(motorbike taxi) straight toward the cliff, even though neither of us knew exactly how we would get there. Coming down from the mountain last weekend we came from that direction, but the usual road to get up the mountain is quite different.
We got lucky and I got dropped a twenty minute hike below the cliff. It was straight up hill all the way from the Mbale Resort Hotel, so I paid the man an extra American dollar in addition to the 2000 shillings he asked for as it would have used a lot of gas to power us. A US dollar averages a bit less than 2000 shillings.
A few boys saw me starting off and took the lead to guide the way. Soon I was on familiar territory and on my own again. Passing another group of children tending small goats, I made my way to the top of boulders in a cabbage patch, where I could eat a mango in perfect view of the cliff. The kids joined me on the top the boulder, shy at first, but soon got cheesy for the camera. I promised treats below and delivered sour ice tea powder on tongues and chunks of cocco Vita Bar.
I left my backpack on the trail where it could be clearly seen from above, and one boy continued with me scrambling up a steep grassy slope to the base of the cliff. Something stung me hard-- I don't know if it was fire ants or thorns, but it burned my big toe for an hour.
The cliff looked was good for climbing, with finger pockets and interesting formations, and not too easy-- maybe rated a difficultly of 5.10. Hiking up the steep gully to the top to hand-drill bolts on rappel is going to be the tricky part.
The brilliant red sunset and the cool kid who joined me made the short adventure worth it. I made it out to the main road by dark and flagged down a boda-boda after several minutes of walking on the dark road. A lady was already on the back of the motorbike, and when the driver tried to continued up the hill with all three us... the bike could do little more than putter, so I got off and ran to the top where I rejoined them, and we all coasted the rest of the way winding down the mountain back to town.
I arrived back here to Lawrence's house in a gated community, but he wasn't here, so I let myself in as he instructed. He arrived a short time later as I was in the kitchen preparing a chapati flat bread with fresh peanut butter and passion fruit I picked-up in the market. The tasty little burrito was put in the fridge without a bite to save room for the buffet back at the resort. I sat with a friend of his from Kenya, who is here installing a boiler, and we had lots to talk about. We even sang a couple of his favorite John Denver songs together-- County Roads and Leaving on a Jet plane.
Casey is now in Kenya, which shares Mt. Elgon, where Bunabumali is located. She left Bunabumali early last week after someone went into her purse and took half of money. You'd have to care a little bit, but not a lot to take half of the money. She was feeling frustrated with a lot of things at the school, but we can't expect everything to be as we think it should be to our standards. This isn't Canada. When something is free of charge, you get what you pay for. We need to remember that we are here for the kids-- and they are all beautiful and sweet. No matter what we do, it is all a learning experience. Casey said she certainly learned a lot. All the students at Bunabumali got the books Casey's Kidsing students prepared, and she taught them to sing We Are the World. I'll video interviews with the kids and bring those back to show the Kidsing youth.
I will keep bringing others here who want to share and grow through cultural exchange. I enjoy living and working at the school with the family, but need time to explore this beautiful land around us to feel recharged and inspired. Liane joins us this week and Stefan will next week. It is definitely more fun and helpful with others of like mind to bounce ideas and network resources. Bunabumali School has rich land and a generous family to create abundant life for the children they serve. Where there is a will there is a way. It is about becoming the people we want to be.
Mother renamed me Masaba, after Mount Masaba which raises up with steep cliffs over the school. She said it means visitor, or traveler. We'll take the kids on a climbing trip there soon and camp over night. Everyone ought to have the freedom to travel--- to grow by expanding their comfort zone.
Posted November 30th, 2009
-Cory "Masaba" Richardson
Often I think of this question as it may encapsulate one perspective-- that there are so many problems in Africa, is it worth trying?
Contemplating the many challenges of creating not just a sustainable life for ourselves and others... but a really great life full of opportunity and freedom, it is good to remember that doing something is always better than doing nothing. If we can make a difference in the life of one child, then we have changed the world for that one person. And loving kids is a great way to make loving adults.
Casey, Miracle and I had a meeting last week at Bunabumali Good Samaritan school with Norman Nakhokhoe, James Nakhokhoe(Norman's dad), Julius(school headmaster), Esther(Norman's sister), and Sarah(a teacher). The school has 5 female and 4 male teachers working on voluntary basis working with children from nursery to P3(approx 8 years old)-- around 70 students.
The 2010 proposal is to expand to P6, and they have already cleared a space for new classrooms. The headmaster's report states many things are needed: 100 iron sheets for roofing, desks, black boards, text books, wall charts, teacher's quarters, and incentives for teachers. I took notes from the meeting and have Julius's full report in front of me now.
They have done well to expand from the building they were in when I was here in 2008, which is now the family home and school kitchen, since the former house crumbled to the ground. They have three new classrooms and a building for staff and a nurse.
Uganda's population is 33 million, about the same as Canada, living on land the size of the province of New Brunswick. Most schools in Uganda are funded by student fees, The Bunabumali Good Samaritan school is free.
Early last week, Gertrude, James's wife and the mother of all, become seriously mentally ill and has been singing at the top of her lungs every night. Due to this, the dozen children who normally sleep at the school have been staying with community members. Gertrude came into a classroom while Casey and I were working with kids writing pen pal letters and stood silently in the back holding her favorite spoon. The kids started flooding out and it became chaos, even though she was not violent in any way. She is usually very sweet and sharp, but something snaps when she is stressed, putting her over the edge, and she doesn't come back for sometime. It is unknown how long this episode will last.
Before I departed Saturday morning, the family had just knocked her out with an injection of Valium, so she could rest. Norman went to a clinic to get a dose and I had a couple vials in my kit to give. They can't afford more-- each $6000 Shillings(3USD). She is calm most of the day, it is at night when she can really wail. I would have given her the shot at night, so everyone could sleep.
Another big issue is that the children have not been using the hammocks to sleep in because they are too cold off the ground. Blankets are needed, but I was not made aware of this problem until I asked James if the fabric I had Norman purchase ever became hammocks. I saw that the fabric became pillow cushions and shirts that the girls made to sell(which are still in a bag). I am glad the sewing machines are getting used for making school uniforms and other things, but I need to know what is happening in reality, and I wasn't getting any information as to how things were panning out.
I asked for photos of the hammocks that were sewn, but never got any images after many requests. Norman says he created 8 hammocks himself, which he shipped to Kenya. From the several rolls of fabric that Norman brought to Bunabumali from money sent, I found one hammock that was created. The most disturbing part was that when we were in Kampala shopping for fabric, a store owner grabbed a hold of Norman and kept him in the back of a shop, saying he owed a balance of $470,000 shillings for the fabric he took. Norman claimed to have put the money in their bank account, but wasn't returning their calls. I agreed to pay the entire balance that day so the police wouldn't be called. The shop owner followed us around to three different banks until I was finally able to get the full amount from an automatic teller machine. Norman said he will go to the bank here in Mbale where he sent the money from to figure it out. I really hope it is as he says. I will not continue organizing to have hammocks sewn here for export after I leave.
I bought four rolls of fabric in Kampala for $800,000 Shillings($400USD), which will make 26 hammocks single hammocks to be given out freely, and 26 to be sold online to raise the money needed for school improvements. I have found an easy and secure method to tie ends of hammocks so that single width hammocks do not require any sewing at all. I have already sewn a double wide hammock since arriving and it is much better for sleeping in as one can lay flat on a diagonal. If legs are up it will impede blood flow making for uncomfortable rest. We are selling single hammocks for $60, which has ends sewn and a pocket that it all folds into, and double wide for $100. These will be brought back to Canada with me in January. See
I just found myself in money transfer hell.... as Paypal is not allowing me to move funds to my bank account while I am in Uganda. Surely it can get figured out, but at the moment it seems the best way to send money for hammocks, blankets, or anything else you'd like to give the kids is via an email money transfer. That way I get the full amount also, as paypal always takes a cut. Send to this address:
Patty Donovan and my mother may also hold a fundraising event to sell the remaining clothes from Sam's Vintage collection that Danny the Traveling Piano Man drove up from Philadelphia. These are designer, plus size clothes-- some with tags still on. A lot of them are silk and famous brand names. If you want to get involved in that, it would be a big help as we want to get the funds while I am still here to put them to good use. Call or email Diana Richardson at: 506-635-4122 or email:
Another disappointment was finding the solar powered UV light water purifiers Ben got donated not accessible to the children, or even being used at all other than to recharge cell phones and LED lights. We were told that the filter bags needed to be cleaned. I cleaned the bags, but still no effort was made to use them to provide drinking water. I have a hand-held water filter and Casey left me with a small UV purifier which will do a liter at a time, so I am using those for drinking water.
The tap that brings clean water down from the mountains to their community doesn`t turn off, but constantly water falls to the ground on their plantation without any form of catchment. I suggested a hose to a large barrel that would at least enable people to quickly fill buckets, instead of waiting at the tap as water trickles. I noticed dishes piling up and was told water has stopped coming. Water still didn`t start by the time I left two days later. Rainwater catchment off the tin roof seems like a good option, so we need to buy tin to make gutters and build some kind of holding tank--- it could even be a heavy duty plastic tarp lining a pit in the ground to start with-- then maybe concrete or hard plastic. We have the river to wash bodies and clothing, but it is a bit of a walk down into the valley from the house to carry water back.
My first attempt at cooking pancakes for breakfast ended quickly. The kitchen was dark without any windows and very smokey. I pulled the nails from the tin sheet roof over the fire pit and propped it open with a stick-- letting light in and smoke out. Mother was happy. Problem solved. Why did it take me to do this?! We`ll make a rocket stove next, which uses less wood and burns hotter, and put a chimney on it. A hay box slow cooker may also be useful toward reducing the amount of firewood needed.
The pit latrine is a few feet uphill from the house-- much too close-- placed there before the addition of the kitchen, which it is above. I`ll pick up a five gallon bucket and toilet seat to make a humanure composting toilet. They can fertilize fruit trees with the composted humus that is created a year from now. I have not seen anyone with toilet paper, and I have not asked what they use. A roll snatched from the hotel has lasted me as it seems I don`t need to go to the latrine as regular as I would at home.
The cow shed also needs to be moved down into the plantation where the manure can be used to fertilize. Currently, the cow is above the school, because James is afraid of thieves. The poo pool can over-flow with heavy rains down to where new classrooms are being built. Now that they have two cows and a calf, more space is needed. Adam Mackim`s global issues class donated $400CDN or $560,000 Shillings of the $700,000 cost to buy the second cow, which is pregnant, so that will make four animals total in three months time. We`ll have to build a fenced area, but there is not money for barbed wire.
All the issues I have said above are basic necessities that need to be addressed in this school of life to create a healthy environment before we can move on to other things. If we are to teach these little people how to live... it is not going to take place in the classroom.
In a classroom, I asked a couple dozen students who of them was cold the night before and needed blankets. I was shocked to realize the headmaster could not communicate with students in their own language. Julius is not from the area and doesn`t speak Lugisu. Robert, the student who understands English best needed to translate. Julius is interested in agriculture projects, so I suggested he focus on that to help the school have food and get the kids involved in the whole process.
Ladies sitting at the table next to me here at the Mbale Hotel say it is against national policy to teach small children in a language other than mother tongue, however the school has no books or teaching materials at all in Lugisu. It would be a good project for each student to write their own story and create a book collectively, written in Lugisu. I bought a Scrabble board game from a street vendor in Kampala to play with kids, but I am not here to teach English, and be another colonizer.
Hitting as a form of discipline also not acceptable. James hit David with a stick, saying he could have got hurt running after a car. Does that make any sense? Casey freaked out and let him know hitting is not OK, then comforted David, who ran and hid as he felt shamed. I saw Julius chasing kids into class with a stick too. I have not seen any serious abuse, but violence in any form does not create a safe environment.
The most used items I contributed this visit are the soccer balls(with air pump that can also be used for bike tires) and djembe(hand drum). The kids are welcome to play the drum whenever they wish. They are very good keeping a beat and usually the scene becomes a dance party. Soccer is a very popular activity. I am not good at it, nor do I have much interest in watching, but I do enjoy the fact that many youth can get so much fun out of a sport that simply requires one ball-- nothing else.
I also donated a hair clipper kit and 12 volt power converter, so I have a funky solar powered hair cut to look forward to this week.
Wes Jagoe donated a fish tank air compressor for brewing compost tea, and we`ll use that for growing a plants from seed with the kids-- growing some with the tea and some without to test it.
I have spent the majority of the weekend here at Mbale Resort Hotel uploading photos to facebook, which in fact speak volumes as to what the experience is really like here:
I`ve enjoyed working with my hands make the steps up to the school, so we don`t slip on the mud when it rains--- which it does nearly every day. The swimming hole below the school is very beautiful, and James owns the land down to the river where there is a tall stand of eucalyptus trees and we will make swings and a tree house. James suggested a lodge could be constructed there to host future guests.
We need to organized the tools and create a workshop. We need to organize toys and create a playroom. I found a bunch of random small toys in a box tucked away and brought them out for the kids to play. It was so interesting to watch how they used them. Why where these not out for the kids to use? Play is so under-rated.
A couple dozen forks, spoons and sharp knives were brought from home that are now being put to good use. Some of those knives will get spread out into the community as well. More plates and cups are needed to serve the kids at lunch.
James and I walked to the village market day on Thursday and picked up three large thick blankets for $44,000 shillings($30CDN), that will be cut to make blankets of a half dozen for kids. I am nearly out of money, so that`s all I could buy. When I get Paypal money from the hammock sales transferred into my account it will be used to get more blankets first. Sleep is also under-valued. Hammocks for everyone... which now must include blankets!
A couple months before coming here, Casey met a Miracle Hassan online, who is a video editor at the national television station in Kampala. Miracle came with us to Bunabumali and has been very helpful as a camera man. We may work together to edit the video we've captured if there is time near the end of this journey here.
Miracle did archival research on a new documentary about Mobutu Sese Seko, the former dictator of Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He loaded the film to this laptop, and I watched the whole thing, even though many interviews where in French. What a nut case! He got to power by lying and killing and stayed in power for 31 years. Students protested his power, so he such down the entire university and put everyone in the school in the military.
Casey brought a baseball glove and ball, plus Boston Red Sox hat and t-shirt for a child named David-- a gift from her brother Jack who saw David in a photo. Casey asked Norman if she should give the glove and ball to David, or to the school, so more kids could play with it. I argued that if one person owns something it may get used more and better taken care of since it would not be up to school staff to deem when is a good time to use it, and who should get to use it. The glove and ball also had the intention of being a special gift from one person to another, which is meaningful. I often have this debate within myself about giving items to one child, or to the school as a whole. Norman then commented, "We are all equal, but some are more equal than others." I found that very interesting, since Animal Farm, which is where that idea is from, is the only book I brought on this trip.
Norman says Animal Farm is a popular book here in Uganda, often referred to by politicians. James was please to see I had it with me, and may read it again. It is a short read and I finished it in the middle of the night this past week while mother was singing. The animals decided to rule their own destiny on the farm and exiled the humans. Pigs, being the smartest, become the ruling class, and raised the dogs to be their protectors. Slowly but surely, the pigs become harsh dictators stealing all the resources and enslaving the others.
One afternoon this week, while James, Norman and Julius worked on report cards, we had a conversation about political leadership in Africa. They said Museveni, who has been president of Uganda since 1986, had legislation passed recently that would make him president of Uganda for the rest of his life. He came to power by force and will hold on to power by force. Norman said you'll never hear people in the military complain, as they are very well fed. The military is not as much to protect from outside forces as it is to keep their own people in line. Gaddafi in Libya is another life-time leader, however they suggested that life is good in Libia, rich with oil, but if you are not from Libia, there is no way you can get residence status. Gaddafi has been spreading the wealth by buying companies in Uganda and else where. On the bus ride here from Kampala, every third house is painted bright pink with the Zain logo, a mobile phone company named after Gaddafi's daughter.
Being an egalitarian, I have little use for politics and report cards. What do numbers and letters placed on me really say anyway? The report cards I was given in school never accounted for what I learned looking at spiderwebs in the forest. They only said what some people projected on me, much like when someone looks at my passport at a border. Do these numbers and letters say anything that is true? I am Canadian? What does that mean? Is it a privilege to travel freely? Doesn't everyone deserve that right?
I've heard a couple news reports about US military drone planes that pack lethal force in the middle east, controlled by pilots sitting at home in Arizona. The lines that divides us are so blurry now, maybe they never really existed at all. We are just a bunch of animals on the farm we call Earth.
One of those news reports came from CNN on the TV in Lawrence's bedroom last night. He has invited me to stay here in his apartment at a gated community a kilometer away from the Mbale Resort hotel, where he is the general manager. On one side of the gate is a swastika, and the other side is what looks like the Chinese Communist a red star. Lawrence has no idea why they are there. He left for work early this morning and I am sitting alone on his black leather couch, looking at sun casting shadows of the fancy iron bars on to the tile floor. I am thinking about heading to Wanale, the large mountain fortified by 200ft tall cliffs of solid rock where I want to bolt climbing routes today before returning to the village with Norman after he sorts out the banking.
Lawrence has taken me under his wing at the hotel, allowing me to use the net and even eat without charge. It is his way of supporting my work. The owner of the hotel asked for a proposal that would support the Orphanage in Bunabumali and create a demonstration garden on top of Mount Wanale that would educate locate people to produce high quality organic food for hotel. All that was his idea. I just happened to be in the patio restaurant where he was seated with his family.
Casey and Miracle had a room at the hotel, and I met Lawrence randomly by pitching hammocks to the resort construction foreman who was seated at the same table during breakfast. I left them with my card, and Lawrence cam back later to sit with me for the full scoop. I showed photos of the hammocks and kids in Bunabumali, and he said he was interested in selling hammocks at the hotel.
We toured the massive new addition to the resort, and met James, the owner, and his family. They were keen to know I see potential for adventure tourism in the area-- rock climbing and mountain biking. Mrs. Wokadala said I was a blessing. I invited Lawrence to go climbing with me on Wanale that afternoon. He arranged a car and driver, and brought along the fitness spa director and a local guide.
As we started driving up the mountain, Lawrence pointed out a 800ft waterfall, under which James owns a large amount of land and plans to develop a camp ground. It was astoundingly beautiful-- reminiscent of the cascading lush green walls of Kauai. I shot some video, and then we continued 30 minutes to the radio towers near the top, over-looking as far as the eye could see.
We walked through a friendly rural community where people proudly posed for photos in front of houses made of sticks and mud. Children washed clothes in the river that moments later became the waterfall hurling over the cliff. Davis, the fitness manager, showed me a bunch of sticks, saying it was a place where men get circumcised at 19 years of age in front of the community. If they flinch they are unable to marry into a powerful family.
Only foot paths connect houses and people are seen everywhere sitting on the grass relaxing. We found our way into a cave with a large overhanging opening where a couple circles of men played cards on large stones for chairs and tables. The path rejoined with the road where our driver waited.
As we coasted down, I saw a young girl rolling a large bike tire, and I asked that we pull over. The girl gave me the tire then ran away. It work great as a hula hoop. Within a minute a couple dozen women and children gathered to watch the crazy Muzungu(white person) dance to music provided by the car radio.
At the bottom of the mountain we walked to the base of the waterfall in the last rays of golden sunlight, lead by several boys. I was in heaven looking up at the cliffs and thinking about the climbing possibilities.
This past Saturday, I returned there with only two hours of sunlight left. I set off on a boda-boda(motorbike taxi) straight toward the cliff, even though neither of us knew exactly how we would get there. Coming down from the mountain last weekend we came from that direction, but the usual road to get up the mountain is quite different.
We got lucky and I got dropped a twenty minute hike below the cliff. It was straight up hill all the way from the Mbale Resort Hotel, so I paid the man an extra American dollar in addition to the 2000 shillings he asked for as it would have used a lot of gas to power us. A US dollar averages a bit less than 2000 shillings.
A few boys saw me starting off and took the lead to guide the way. Soon I was on familiar territory and on my own again. Passing another group of children tending small goats, I made my way to the top of boulders in a cabbage patch, where I could eat a mango in perfect view of the cliff. The kids joined me on the top the boulder, shy at first, but soon got cheesy for the camera. I promised treats below and delivered sour ice tea powder on tongues and chunks of cocco Vita Bar.
I left my backpack on the trail where it could be clearly seen from above, and one boy continued with me scrambling up a steep grassy slope to the base of the cliff. Something stung me hard-- I don't know if it was fire ants or thorns, but it burned my big toe for an hour.
The cliff looked was good for climbing, with finger pockets and interesting formations, and not too easy-- maybe rated a difficultly of 5.10. Hiking up the steep gully to the top to hand-drill bolts on rappel is going to be the tricky part.
The brilliant red sunset and the cool kid who joined me made the short adventure worth it. I made it out to the main road by dark and flagged down a boda-boda after several minutes of walking on the dark road. A lady was already on the back of the motorbike, and when the driver tried to continued up the hill with all three us... the bike could do little more than putter, so I got off and ran to the top where I rejoined them, and we all coasted the rest of the way winding down the mountain back to town.
I arrived back here to Lawrence's house in a gated community, but he wasn't here, so I let myself in as he instructed. He arrived a short time later as I was in the kitchen preparing a chapati flat bread with fresh peanut butter and passion fruit I picked-up in the market. The tasty little burrito was put in the fridge without a bite to save room for the buffet back at the resort. I sat with a friend of his from Kenya, who is here installing a boiler, and we had lots to talk about. We even sang a couple of his favorite John Denver songs together-- County Roads and Leaving on a Jet plane.
Casey is now in Kenya, which shares Mt. Elgon, where Bunabumali is located. She left Bunabumali early last week after someone went into her purse and took half of money. You'd have to care a little bit, but not a lot to take half of the money. She was feeling frustrated with a lot of things at the school, but we can't expect everything to be as we think it should be to our standards. This isn't Canada. When something is free of charge, you get what you pay for. We need to remember that we are here for the kids-- and they are all beautiful and sweet. No matter what we do, it is all a learning experience. Casey said she certainly learned a lot. All the students at Bunabumali got the books Casey's Kidsing students prepared, and she taught them to sing We Are the World. I'll video interviews with the kids and bring those back to show the Kidsing youth.
I will keep bringing others here who want to share and grow through cultural exchange. I enjoy living and working at the school with the family, but need time to explore this beautiful land around us to feel recharged and inspired. Liane joins us this week and Stefan will next week. It is definitely more fun and helpful with others of like mind to bounce ideas and network resources. Bunabumali School has rich land and a generous family to create abundant life for the children they serve. Where there is a will there is a way. It is about becoming the people we want to be.
Mother renamed me Masaba, after Mount Masaba which raises up with steep cliffs over the school. She said it means visitor, or traveler. We'll take the kids on a climbing trip there soon and camp over night. Everyone ought to have the freedom to travel--- to grow by expanding their comfort zone.
Posted November 30th, 2009
-Cory "Masaba" Richardson
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
First Public Meeting to an Organization... and update on the vision.
Hey everyone.... I hope you are making the most of your summer, or whatever season it is where you are in the world.
We are having an open Stitch Uganda meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, 7pm at Happinez wine bar, 42 Princess Street in Saint John, New Brunswick. Anyone interested in taking part in the project is welcome.
Thus far, it has been a pet project I've personally directed. Now it's time to put our skills together to create a global movement... with a board of trustees-- The Circle of Trust. We've had amazing support thus far from Sterling Rope Company who donated webbing for hammocks, and Danny Kean who donated a truck load of vintage clothes(most of which still need to be reworked and sold), and many others who have taken part.
Everyone wants to help those less fortunate, but many don't trust that donations will go to the people they are supposed to serve, and often they are right. Money gets eaten in administration and corruption.
The Circle of Trust will record, bank and grant all funds coming into Stitch Uganda Together. I'll give %10 of hammock sales to the Circle to bank, and when we need funds for projects while in Uganda, I'll ask the Circle to issue funds. I'll recorded everything we do on video posted to Youtube, so donors can see how funds were spent. With collective effort and transparency, we will earn public trust and amazing things will happen.
The plan is to sell hammocks made in Uganda, which in turn gives Ugandans employment, plus free hammocks to the homeless and to create awareness and funds toward developing an Endless Summer Camp in Bunabumali. We can't call this a non-profit. Everyone will benefit-- from the people who sew hammocks to the people who sell them at festivals and in stores. This is a social profit organization.
The vision is to build an egalitarian network of individuals who are working together around the globe, that will all eventually get to spend time in Bunabumali-- in the garden of Eden we will create. Money is not the answer-- it is just one means to get there. The lessons we will learn through this experience are about the power of community and creativity. I don't want to control this organization. It will be a lot bigger and have a greater impact if I don't. I don't want to be that busy. I enjoy my freedom too much. That's why I'm inviting you now, so I can eventually chill out and enjoy a few of the hammocks we'll create on a mountain top above the village. I know just the spot. It has a view of a beautiful rock pillar I can't wait to climb.
I see humanitarian work as an adventure that is rewarding for all involved. I enjoyed all the people I had the pleasure to meet in Bunabumali, and I'm excited to bring others there to feel their warm energy and experience the beauty of the mountains. It is a safe place to create a community of travelers-- artists, builders and gardeners, all working and playing for the love of it, with local people-- everyone learning from each other.
We'll raise kids that know how to live from the earth, and will have opportunities like we do to travel. It will be like a Camp Rotary in Bunabumali where orphans from all over Uganda will go to be blissed-out learning all sorts of arts and having adventures on mountain bikes, kayaking and rock climbing. Uganda is a playground, and it does get some tourism, but not like it deserves. If you can see yourself there, you can be, because that's the way life works.
I spend beautiful days like today inside sewing at home, so I can afford to go back to Uganda in the fall. Even if you can't go to Uganda with us this November, maybe there is some other way you can send your love to the kids? You can contact companies to donate medicine, food supplements and seeds to grow food. I have in the past, and businesses were happy to give. You can learn how to sew hammocks yourself, which could be sold to buy fabric for making hammocks in Uganda. One of the main problems is shipping things over there, but whatever you want to do... let's figure it out and do it. I only have time to do so much. I have set the ground work, so use my photos and video, and make this project your own.
Emmanuel Norman Nakhokho in Uganda as a friend... he is the one who invited me to Bunabumali and is always seeking support for the orphanage his family runs that serves over a hundred children:
If you have not seen the videos I shot in Uganda, you can here:
Currently, I'm sitting at the sewing machine getting ready for an opportunity to sell hammocks at a performance of High School Musical tonight presented by KV Players and the Saint John Theatre Company. The show starts at 7pm, and runs all week at KV High school.
Casey Yerxa, creator of Kidsing, set up this opportunity at KV. She is planning to go to Uganda with me in November to play with the kids in Bunabumali and share the arts education that she is all about.
Mike Humble, just sent an invitation to create a Relaxation Station with hammocks and hoops at Crabbe Mountain Aug 29th and 30th for FeelsGood Folly Fest. Lots of bands... certainly worth making the trip!
Thanks for your interest. It is only going to get more interesting as we get more organized!
Have fun!
-Cor ♥
We are having an open Stitch Uganda meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, 7pm at Happinez wine bar, 42 Princess Street in Saint John, New Brunswick. Anyone interested in taking part in the project is welcome.
Thus far, it has been a pet project I've personally directed. Now it's time to put our skills together to create a global movement... with a board of trustees-- The Circle of Trust. We've had amazing support thus far from Sterling Rope Company who donated webbing for hammocks, and Danny Kean who donated a truck load of vintage clothes(most of which still need to be reworked and sold), and many others who have taken part.
Everyone wants to help those less fortunate, but many don't trust that donations will go to the people they are supposed to serve, and often they are right. Money gets eaten in administration and corruption.
The Circle of Trust will record, bank and grant all funds coming into Stitch Uganda Together. I'll give %10 of hammock sales to the Circle to bank, and when we need funds for projects while in Uganda, I'll ask the Circle to issue funds. I'll recorded everything we do on video posted to Youtube, so donors can see how funds were spent. With collective effort and transparency, we will earn public trust and amazing things will happen.
The plan is to sell hammocks made in Uganda, which in turn gives Ugandans employment, plus free hammocks to the homeless and to create awareness and funds toward developing an Endless Summer Camp in Bunabumali. We can't call this a non-profit. Everyone will benefit-- from the people who sew hammocks to the people who sell them at festivals and in stores. This is a social profit organization.
The vision is to build an egalitarian network of individuals who are working together around the globe, that will all eventually get to spend time in Bunabumali-- in the garden of Eden we will create. Money is not the answer-- it is just one means to get there. The lessons we will learn through this experience are about the power of community and creativity. I don't want to control this organization. It will be a lot bigger and have a greater impact if I don't. I don't want to be that busy. I enjoy my freedom too much. That's why I'm inviting you now, so I can eventually chill out and enjoy a few of the hammocks we'll create on a mountain top above the village. I know just the spot. It has a view of a beautiful rock pillar I can't wait to climb.
I see humanitarian work as an adventure that is rewarding for all involved. I enjoyed all the people I had the pleasure to meet in Bunabumali, and I'm excited to bring others there to feel their warm energy and experience the beauty of the mountains. It is a safe place to create a community of travelers-- artists, builders and gardeners, all working and playing for the love of it, with local people-- everyone learning from each other.
We'll raise kids that know how to live from the earth, and will have opportunities like we do to travel. It will be like a Camp Rotary in Bunabumali where orphans from all over Uganda will go to be blissed-out learning all sorts of arts and having adventures on mountain bikes, kayaking and rock climbing. Uganda is a playground, and it does get some tourism, but not like it deserves. If you can see yourself there, you can be, because that's the way life works.
I spend beautiful days like today inside sewing at home, so I can afford to go back to Uganda in the fall. Even if you can't go to Uganda with us this November, maybe there is some other way you can send your love to the kids? You can contact companies to donate medicine, food supplements and seeds to grow food. I have in the past, and businesses were happy to give. You can learn how to sew hammocks yourself, which could be sold to buy fabric for making hammocks in Uganda. One of the main problems is shipping things over there, but whatever you want to do... let's figure it out and do it. I only have time to do so much. I have set the ground work, so use my photos and video, and make this project your own.
Emmanuel Norman Nakhokho in Uganda as a friend... he is the one who invited me to Bunabumali and is always seeking support for the orphanage his family runs that serves over a hundred children:
If you have not seen the videos I shot in Uganda, you can here:
Currently, I'm sitting at the sewing machine getting ready for an opportunity to sell hammocks at a performance of High School Musical tonight presented by KV Players and the Saint John Theatre Company. The show starts at 7pm, and runs all week at KV High school.
Casey Yerxa, creator of Kidsing, set up this opportunity at KV. She is planning to go to Uganda with me in November to play with the kids in Bunabumali and share the arts education that she is all about.
Mike Humble, just sent an invitation to create a Relaxation Station with hammocks and hoops at Crabbe Mountain Aug 29th and 30th for FeelsGood Folly Fest. Lots of bands... certainly worth making the trip!
Thanks for your interest. It is only going to get more interesting as we get more organized!
Have fun!
-Cor ♥
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Lots to report... so little time!
Joseph donated two sewing machines.

Patricia Aubin bought a silk blouse from the collection Danny the Traveling Piano Man donated, which I shipped off to her in BC to give as a Christmas gift.
Steve at Cyber Solutions recovered all the information off my computer, including my photos from Uganda, which could have been lost when I put my laptop on a large speaker at the Evolve music festival, which ruined the hardrive.
The Scope, a weekly newspaper in St. John's, Nfld, is featuring Action Hero Hammocks in "Store Front" section this week. Hammocks are being sold at Hempware and Living Planet in St.John's.
CBC raido Saint John will talk to me live this Thursday morning about the sewing workshop at Forest Hills School Thursday night 5-9pm and the Vaudeville fashion show December 27th at Akhord, 9pm-2am.
New web page for Stitch Uganda on the Action Hero Network site:

New hammocks for sale:

Friday, November 14, 2008
For the Love of Learning












Yesterday we had a major development with Stitch Uganda Together. Ray Hunt, who was at the Sanctuary gathering this summer, contacted me with a proposal to set up fair trade booths at a dozen farmers markets in BC, where crafts from Uganda could be sold, starting with our hammocks. This is just an idea at this point, with no promises, but he put me in touch with a lady named Laurel, who runs ten very successful markets, so we'll see where that goes.
I also emailed Joe DeMino who stopped to talk with me last month as I was selling hammocks on the boardwalk. He was visiting Saint John on a cruise ship from the US. He is in management at CVS Pharmacy, and they give large amounts of free medicine to third world countries. He was keen to send pharmaceuticals to Uganda, so that's a good contact. I don't know what drugs are needed-- maybe you have some suggestions, or know of other places where drugs are needed currently. I'll wait to hear back from him, and then can give out his contact info if that is what he wants.
I'm wearing an Action Hero hoodie at the moment, which is super warm and cozy. I printed off as many as I could while at in St.John's, Newfoundland. I couldn't carry more than a large laundry bag of t-shirts and hoodies home with me on the plane, so I left a box full with Charlotte and asked her to mail out the promo orders. I screen printed from mid-night to 4am, then rushed to catch my 5:30am flight. The t-shirts are now for sale... $20... and hoodies are $50... plus shipping. We can have Living Planet make more when we run out. They are also going to be sold in the new Living Planet store in St. John's. is still down... but the problem with the nameserve may have been fixed, and it just takes time to be redirected. I'm excited to get to work on making the site something completely different-- simple, yet creative, that will keep people checking in. It is also important that the site be a hub directing people to the groups on and, and this google group, so everyone has the opportunity to post and connect.
My last day in St.John's was spent facilitating a circle and teaching a hammock sewing workshop at For the Love of Learning-- a non-profit, arts-based, education and entrepreneurship program for resilient youth. They never had a circle there before, where the talking stick is passed. I explained the ground rules-- only the person with the stick can speak, respect everyone's time by not speaking more than a few minutes, you have the right to pass, and when the stick is passed twice around the circle without anyone speaking the circle is finished.
As circle facilitator, I posed a questions to generate meaningful insights. "Who has inspired you and why?" "What skills do you have and what is your gift to the world?" "What is beyond your understanding, what do you want to know, or what is stopping you from getting what you want?" The responses from youth and staff were very touching and I even got a watery eyes a couple times.
Circles are very powerful because they give everyone the opportunity to be heard. Everyone has stories to tell, but not everyone feels empowered to share unless they feel safe and think people really want to listen. Listening is a gift. A teacher can't be a teacher without a student. By listening, we help the teacher fulfil their purpose, which is a good feeling felt by the teacher. When people listen to my long stories, I always thank them for listening. It was a gift, a sign of respect to me for them to be listening.
I'm sure there are many people who don't feel heard. Often people who are family and friends don't really listen to us. We get cut off, shot down, or told that our dreams are not realistic. That's why community circles are powerful. They give everyone a space to share meaningful information, which might never be shared otherwise. A lot of conversation is just light banter. In circle, we share innermost thoughts, feelings and dreams with strangers, and it feels safe, because everyone is listening. Everyone was given a pen and paper to write down thoughts during circle, when it was not their turn to speak, so they wouldn't forget their reflections on ours thoughts or could be prepared with something to say when it came their turn.
I'll attach photos showing the hammock making workshop. I left them with enough fabric to sew two more hammocks, and a couple of the youth participating in the Katimavik program planned to teach the workshop at their team's house. Robin Grant, founder and director, wants the youth to be involved in Stitch Uganda Together through making and selling hammocks, or any other way. I'd like to take a couple youth to Uganda in April. The youth put Action Hero tree logos on their clothes, and that is the way it spreads organic. There is no stopping it now.
I just walked into the kitchen and found Jayne wearing the Action Hero t-shirt and Life in Africa beads she bought yesterday. Jayne is looking after my mother's Shaklee food supplement business while my folks are in the Mediterranean cruisin'. Jayne doesn't want to give her family more stuff they don't need for Christmas, so she is planning to donate the funds to buy a couple rolls of fabric to make hammocks for orphans in Bunabumali. Each roll of fabric is $90, which makes about 20 kid-size hammocks. I'll give Jayne photos of kids in Bunabumali and info to put in a card, and send Norman a digital camera to show us that the fabric actually became hammocks that were giving to kids.
The original goal of Stitch Uganda Together was to put homeless kids in hammock. Simple. That's it. If that's all we do, that's awesome. It will give them a lot of comfort-- dry off the ground and safer from bugs. If any of you want to buy a roll of fabric to give as a Christmas gift, or help promote and facilitate the project... please. In the USA, we can give tax receipts through the International Humanities Center for donations of $50 or more, and the donation can me made easily online. If you want to take on that project, I'll give you the keys.
I've spent the past two days since arriving home completely online writing email for Stitch Uganda, and have not made any hammocks, so I need to do that today. Our Stitch SJ Fashion Collective circle at Akhord last night resulted in a date for the fashion show... December 27th at Akhord. It is a good time since a lot of people will be home during the Christmas break, and less stressed after the Christmas crazy, looking to party and maybe pick up fun threads for the new years scene. The crew came back to my house to look at the clothes Danny Kean the Piano Man donated for the fashion show, so they are stoked.
That's enough for now. We'd love to hear more about what ya'll are working on, so feel free to post to the Action Hero group:
-Cor(azon) <3
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The mission for November

I'm still in St. John's, Newfoundland sewing hammocks in Charlotte's studio, which has been very productive. I'm about to silk screen a bunch of t-shirts and hoodies sporting the Action Hero logo. If you'd like one or a few, let me know asap, and your size. I'll send them out at cost. I fly home to Saint John, New Brunswick next Tuesday, so I need to know by Sunday. Patches are already, which I can also send.
The action hero logo is the portal to the website, which will be the hub to promote all our projects. I am working on updating the site now, and seek others with more time and skills.
The mission for November:
Stitch SJ Fashion Collective is an art collective forming in Saint John which will host a fashion show using the clothes Danny the Traveling Piano Man donated to Stitch Uganda Together. The fashion show will raise awareness and funds for the project-- which is to give hammocks to orphans and bring artist/builder/green thumb volunteers Uganda for the months of April and May.
On mt. Elgon, above the village of Bunabumali, we'll build the Temple of Lost and Found-- a bamboo fortress playground. I see it there in the clouds... like Shangri-La, like Shambhala... the Garden of Eden with killer paths and backdrop of huge cliffs that will be amazing to climb. I was scoping it all out last visit, but didn't have time to do any vertical ascents. I saw a crazy lookin' pillar, and I'm sure all of it is untouched. We'll do a lot of good work and have lots of fun.
We'll also visit Rakai District, in Western Uganda. Today, I had a long chat with Tugume Gerald, who runs an orphanage there in the town of Kasensero ( ). In a place where the population consists of 400,000 people, the AIDS pandemic has left 45,000 orphaned. In Rakai, there are 975 families that are headed by children. We'll hook 'em up with some hammocks.
Action Hero hammocks are now being made by Life in Africa in Uganda. I saw photos of the ladies sewing in Kampala today for the first time, which is very exciting! For every hammock sold we'll give a hammock to an orphan. We'll likely be able to do better than that, but that's what I can promise at this time. The ladies sewing the hammocks will also be paid fair wages.
Read Grace Ayaa's post below about the hammocks making project she is managing in Uganda:
The Kireka Community
Grace Ayaa is featured in this video:
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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