“It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.”
The follow was copied from Bunabumali Chronicle, at http://bunabumalivt.tumblr.com/ by Ben Koot.
A year ago I started the VT Bunabumali challenge with nothing but the big picture of building the school rebuilding the dormitory and taking care of the childern. All I had was this picture and no idea what Bunabumali looked like, nor any experience in running such a project. The little information I had on Africa was what I’d learned during my days in the travel industry, so not realy related to coaching people on-line on topics I was not familiar with.
When folks in the North are asked for assistance, the natural response is; “Write a businessplan” Norman had done that, like many thousands of other people in africa that try connect to NGO’s, on-line volunteer services and other institutions. Over the past year, I have seen a lot of these plans for other development initiatives, based on questions relating to starting a business, with the aim of satisfying the needs of the donor organisation instead of the the needs on the ground.
Even trying to apply for a moderate microcredit involves anwering impossible questions, created by people that had little idea of local conditions. We have trried a number of organisations but were unsuccessfull, which got me thinking…
Continue reading at http://bunabumalivt.tumblr.com/
This is now having avery nice development and hope we are reaching some steps ahead of Bunabumali to develop slowly
my dear Emma and Ben that was first bit Rome was not built in a day but with help like your Ben will have a good try the development is growing day by day bunabumali is our Rome and will be a great and wonderful place for the children thank you Emmanuel for your undying love for your project God bless love and blessings
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